Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge No. 866
On Friday 9th November 2018 instead of the regular meeting of Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge the Worshipful Master and the Brethren decided to Celebrate its 90th Anniversary.
Celebrating 90th Anniversaries was an idea conceived in Blackpool by Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge when because of the age profile it was considered that some of the brethren would not be 'available' to celebrate a future Centennial Meeting. The format for the meeting and festive board was to be a short presentation called " A description of the Masonic Degree of Mark Man" and an Old English Night at the festive Board.
W.Bro. Steve Smith modelling apron
At 5.45 p.m. the brethren assembled in the top lodge room, among the brethren present was the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Keith Alan Beardmore and accompanying him was his Deputy Provincial Grand Master Very Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Herbert Lee Past Grand Junior Overseer and Assistant Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Giles Frederick Berkley Past Grand Steward, who is a member of Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge, and no less than nine Grand Officers not a bad turn out for a regular meeting.
The Worshipful Master John Chapman opened the lodge at 6.00 p.m. and quickly dispatched the domestic and administrative items on the agenda. The usual salutations were given with suitable responses. The next Item on the agenda was the presentation, the author of the presentation was Worshipful Brother Melvyn Cross Past Grand Junior Deacon (appointed at Grand Lodge on 11th September 2018) and The Players were the Worshipful Master assisted by nine members of the lodge. The piece was narrated by Worshipful Brother Andrew Dickson Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremony / Lodge Secretary. The presentation took the form of a Catechism, questions and answers to illustrate the connection from the Fellow Craft degree to the degree of a Mark Man.
The Players
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master congratulated all those who took part, particularly Worshipful Brother Melvyn Cross for his enjoyable and enlightening presentation.
Ass.P.G.M., P.G.M., W.M. and Dep.P.G.M.
After any other business the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was asked if he would like to retire (from the lodge). The Lodge Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Antony Cross formed a procession of Grand Officers and the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy and Assistant retired.
W.M., P.G.M. and The Players
When the lodge was closed, we all returned into the lodge room for the ubiquitous photo-shoot and then to the bar / lounge for a refreshing aperitif. Dinner consisted of a delicious three course meal followed by coffee and mints. Being an 'Old English Night' the Fine Master Melvyn relieved us of some coinage of the realm for our many and varied transgressions and a fun evening was enjoyed by all. 
W.M.,  P.G.M. with Grand Officers
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan